A Petite Post About my Mom

At the Los Angeles Zoo in 2005

(This is my favorite picture of us)

Although, my Mom and I are thousands of miles apart, she is always supportive and proud of me. I believe that I have been blessed to be able to say that I have always looked at her as a friend! I grew up knowing that my mom was my bestfriend and I am grateful that she and I are so close.

I think back and constantly remember how much I enjoyed spending time with my mom. My mother, grandmother, sister and me did everything together. But my favorite activity at home was watching my mother’s morning ritual. I loved watching my mom get ready for work. She always looked so beautiful as she curled her hair and applied a few stokes of blush, she would always leave our home prim and proper and always spraying  a bit of perfume before leaving. Till this day, whenever I smell Cashmere by Donna Karen I instantly think of my mom. After a long day’s work and sitting in traffic, she would come home and I would love to hug her at the door.

Today, I want to THANK YOU MOM! For always being You. For doing everything you could to provide Laura, my grandma and I with a roof over our heads and food on the table. Thank you for teaching us and raising us to be exemplar strong independent women. And Thank you for just being awesome! You always have been, you always will be one cool lady!


Happy Mother’s Day!



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